Below the translation to English of our recently video that defines the spirit of my life.
When we talk about justice, we think of laws, norms, and procedures. But the justice I dream of and practice is something deeper: it is justice with a soul.
«What does ‘Justice with Soul’ mean? It means recognizing that behind each case file there is a story, a person, a life. It is not just about applying the law, but about doing it with humanity, with empathy, with the commitment to dignify every individual who comes to the judicial system.
«My proposal for ‘Justice with Soul’ is to manage conflicts, not just case files. It is to write sentences that are sufficient to resolve problems, but also that reach out to touch the hearts of those who receive them. Because justice can heal, can transform, can be a bridge to a better life scenario.
«Justice is not just a legal act, it is a human act. Because when justice has a soul, it changes lives.»